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  • Writer's picturejessyrapp

Cathedral Gorge State Park

It's been a year since I started my blog. It all started with White Pocket (Utah/AZ) which inspired me to create this blog. Throughout the year I have been lucky to hike other incredible places, I have blogged about my faves. I am ending the year in the same vicinity where I started it: The Southwest–my favorite part of the country, with another remote and beautiful spot: Cathedral Gorge.

Cathedral Gorge is about 2.5 hours north of Vegas. I was drawn to its remoteness. In case you didn't know by now, I love remote, lesser-traveled parks. The town closest to Cathedral is Caliente, NV and it is small, not much to do around there except fill up on gas. The entrance to the park is $5 for residents and $10 for non-residents (if there is a ranger in the park). I know that I say this a lot, but this otherworldly place caught me by surprise. It's so unique here and depending on what time of the day you go, the views will change. Its like a mini Bryce Canyon minus the crowds (perfection if you as me!) We got there around 11am on a most perfect fall day. We hiked Miller Point Trail which takes you from the parking lot through a stunning canyon and up a tall staircase to an overlook that provides the best views of the park, this was my favorite trail of the park, it is simply amazing! The second longest trail is called Juniper Draw Trail which is about 4 miles and its mostly flat but gives you a better sense of the geography of the park. You walk through washes and a few bushes but it really gives you a good sense of the make-up of the ground, which is made up of this clay-like sand and rocks that sparkle when the sun hits them, just gorgeous. There is also a water tower by the parking lot called CCC Water Tower. This water tower was built in the 1930s by the Civilian Conservation Corps, it's no longer in use, but its a nice landmark, and its right next to the only picnic area of the park. Where we spend most of our time was in the Moon Caves. The moon caves are slot canyons that you can walk right into them, like a maze– you are able to climb up on some of them. It was so much fun getting up there and checking out the canyons from above.

I will absolutely be returning to Cathedral Gorge and next time, would like to do an overnight camp. It truly is such a stunning place that the short amount of time we spend there really didn't do this place justice. I truly feel that this is one of THE most underrated & stunning parks I have ever visited.

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